Transformational understanding!

Q: ... but can you speak a little bit more about
how we move from the intellectual understanding
to the kind of lived experience or recognition?

A:  The intellectual understanding, of course, is important.
The understanding
about truth,
about reality,
about one reality,
about the reality of consciousness. 

The understanding that
I am not that which appears.
I am the awareness, the consciousness.
I am not an object in time and space.

I am the eternity of being. 

These understandings are not intellectual.
These understandings are transformational. 

You cannot think that you are not an entity which appears to you, and that rather you are the awareness which perceives the body mind form, which perceives the world.

 You cannot think that, you cannot adopt that as an belief and get any understanding.

If it's a belief, it's not an understanding,
and there is no satisfaction in the belief. 

You will not experience the, I – I get it.
You want to experience "I get it". 

It's when there is this moment of understanding
I am does not mean I am something.
You know, this this this and this is awareness.

You know, awareness is not something you perceive.
You perceive a mountain,
you perceive a tree,
you perceive a thought,
you perceive a creative image,
you can perceive a hunger,
you perceive a sensation.
You cannot perceive that which perceives. 

You cannot perceive awareness, consciousness.
There that's an understanding!

Source: Satsang with Magdi: The nature of the Self (09/26/2024)


"... as simple as recognizing that you exist – the I am that I am.

[Recognizing] that I exist is the highest truth, the highest vibration,
the highest quality of being."

1 minute YT clip.

Too simple!

"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone."

Blaise Pascal
June 1623 – August 1662


The sense of being an autonomous, separate-self: 10% faulty thinking and
90% muscle-memory

"Practical peace in daily living,
independent of circumstances."

The final understanding is paradoxical 🐣

“The spiritual path is not a solo endeavor. In fact, the very notion of a self who is trying to free her/himself is a delusion. We are in it together and the company of spiritual friends helps us realize our interconnectedness.”

Image by Freepik, idea by Holger

En-lighter-ment is about the transition from person to presence.

As person we live second-hand, we live according to memories, beliefs, mind-stuff.

The difference between person and presence is very subtle, but the implications are huge.


Our true nature is always whole and complete ❤️

... ya but, I don't feel that all the time.
... ya but, who is taking care of "me"?


There is no teacher or student in this brave creative exploration;
to shamelessly dis-cover that what I always longed for is always available.


Maybe it can be likened to an acquired taste:
to learn to appreciate no-thing,
to be fulfilled as the movie screen
instead of be being entangled in the movie.


Ya but..
"Truth is simple, the seeker is complex."

Words are secondary.